RESTORATION TYPE:Parking Lot Rain GardenLOCATION:Spring Park Boat Ramp Lake MinnetonkaDURATION:July 2018WORK DESCRIPTION:Using a native planted infiltration swale to treat stormwater from a parking lot.April 12, 2023 2018 | Spring Park Boat Ramp For this project, Hennepin County contacted us to create a parking lot rain garden on Lake Minnetonka. The county had identified the adjacent parking lot as a significant source of pollutants entering the lake, prompting them to seek our expertise. After our site assessment, our primary objective was to reduce the flow of sediment and other pollutants into Lake Minnetonka. Additionally, we recognized the importance of creating a visually appealing focal point for the park given its location in a high-traffic area near a boat ramp. To achieve their goals, we assisted the County in developing a comprehensive plan to meet their objectives. We began by working with an excavation company to grade the site and create the infiltration basins. Next, we stabilized the soil with fabric to prevent erosion. We then introduced a variety of native plant species with deep root systems that effectively filter pollutants while also enhancing the beauty of the boat ramp area. Following a year of maintenance to ensure proper plant growth, we successfully unveiled an attractive parking lot rain garden that acts as a natural buffer to prevent pollutants from reaching the surrounding ecosystem. Clearly, our collaboration with Hennepin County resulted in a successful project that effectively reduces pollution while also providing a welcoming space for park visitors. Contact us and get started on a project of your own! Reader Interactions « 2012 | Bloomington Prairie BioSwale 2020 | Minnetrista Native Prairie »