RESTORATION TYPE:Pond Shoreline, Prairie and Rain GardenLOCATION:Bloomington, MinnesotaDURATION:June, 2018 - Ocrober 2022WORK DESCRIPTION:This project was a combination of pond edges and prairie buffer. Transformed degraded turf grass into beautiful native plant buffersApril 29, 2022 2018 | Girard Park Shoreline The residents of Girard Park have the unique opportunity to experience over 80 native plant species that comprise pond shores, prairie and woodland areas, and a large native garden restoration in Bloomington, MN. We were called in to transform their campus. We eliminated turf areas and converted weed-invested pond edges to ecologically functioning habitats that look exceptional and do not require mowing, fertilizers and pesticides, and watering. « 2019 | Eagle Creek Pond 2018 | Cottagewood Hillside »