RESTORATION TYPE:ShorelineLOCATION:Medina, MinnesotaDURATION:March, 2018 - June. 2022WORK DESCRIPTION:Restored degraded natural pond edge using a combination MN native wetland and prairie plant species.July 11, 2022 2018 | Medina Pond Shoreline Restoration This Medina estate was dealing with a very common pond problem. Reed canary grass and narrow-leaf cattail had invaded, compromising the look and the ecological function of the pond system. We controlled these invasive species and introduced a wide variety of wetland plants that are now thriving in this Medina pond shoreline restoration. The pond now looks stunning, and it makes and impressive statement, as it is the focal point of the estate entrance. Reader Interactions « 2019 | Rusten Woods Pond 2020 | Beacon Haven Shoreline »