RESTORATION TYPE:ShorelineLOCATION:Minnetonka, MinnesotaDURATION:August, 2014 - PresentWORK DESCRIPTION:Restored a degraded pond shoreline to a lush native plant communityApril 29, 2022 2014 | Erickson Pond This pond buffer and wetland habitat restoration is proudly listed as a reference site at part of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Annals. We worked with the Erickson Family to help them realize their vision of creating wetland and shore edge habitats that support over 150 Minnesota native plant species. This multi-year restoration project involved effectively controlling invasive plant species on over 1300 linear feet of shoreline and installing 10,000 Minnesota native prairie and wetland plants. The pond is a fabulous home to birds, frogs, pollinators of all types and sizes, along with it being a local attraction for dog walkers and bikers. The Erickson Family has received local awards for their incredible work and investment into this pond. Reader Interactions « 2007 | Gray’s Bay Boat Landing 2009 | Lake Waconia Shoreline »