January 27, 2023 New Year, Fresh Grant-Funding, and Ample Opportunities to Restore Natural Habitats! The new year is often a time for new beginnings and making positive changes in our lives. And what better way to do that than by creating a beautiful, thriving native plant habitat in your community? A great way to get started is by looking into the many cost-share programs and grants for habitat restoration, native plant installation, and maintenance projects. Watershed districts, cities, counties, non-profit organizations, and other water and land management organizations offer these programs to help local residents, businesses, organizations like churches, and other units of government improve natural habitats and water quality. The funding and guidelines for each program vary, but they all provide excellent resources and support needed to get your project off the ground. At Natural Shore, we have extensive experience working with many different cost-share programs and can help homeowners with providing project information necessary for applications. We also work with agencies to promote their programs by showcasing past projects through demonstrations, garden tours, and social media. If you’re interested in learning more about cost-share programs, we’ve included a list of several organizations that offer grant programs in the West Metro area. One tip is to apply early because cost-share funding goes fast! Didn’t make the deadline for cost-share money in your area? Check back regularly in case more funding becomes available or ask if you can apply early to be one of the first in line for next year’s funds. West Metro Grant Programs Name of OrganizationGrant Type/ProgramEligible Candidates Funds Available Application Deadline LinkNine Mile Creek Watershed DistrictStewardship Grant – cost-shareGrants for Habitat Restoration – cost-shareResidents, associations, nonprofits, schools, businesses, and cities for projects located within the boundaries of the NMCWDStewardship Grant- up to 75% project costHabitat Restoration Grant- up to 50% project costSee link for specific max amountsStewardship Grant- March 17th, 2023Habitat Restoration Grant- May 15th, 2023 & August 14th, 2023https://www.ninemilecreek.org/get-involved/grants/Mississippi Water Management OrganizationStewardship Fund Grants – Community, Planning and ActionPlanning and Action Grants – cost-share-Registered non-profit organizations:-Officially recognized neighborhood groups -Business and professional associations -Schools -Local units of governmentCommunity Grant- up to $5,000Planning Grant- 75% of cost, up to $20,000Action Grant- 75% of cost, up to $50,000Community Grant- 2 rounds; April 2023 & December 2023Planning Grant- March 10th, 2023Action Grant- November 2023https://www.mwmo.org/get-involved/stewardship-fund-grants/Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed DistrictWatershed Stewardship Grants(other types of grants available, check website grant page)Applicants must be the property owner or authorized representative. Eligible applicant categories include:-Individual homeowners-Non-profits (including home, townhome and lake associations)-Schools-Businesses-Local government Residentia/Non-profits- up to 75% project costGovernment/School/Business- up to 50% project costSee link for specific max amountsRe-opening in March 2023https://rpbcwd.org/get-involved/grants/watershed-stewardship-grantsCity of Eden PrairieLandscaping for Water Quality; Rebate after project completion–Residential property-Commercial, institutional or homeowner association propertyResidential – 80% cost of pre-tax; up to $2,000Commercial/HOA/Institution – 80% cost of pre-tax; up to $5,000No deadline; first-come, first-served basishttps://www.edenprairie.org/community/sustainable-eden-prairie/water/water-conservation-rebate-programs/landscaping-rebatesCity of BurnsvilleNeighborhood Water Resources Enhancement Grant; rebate after project completionQualified applicants are residents, neighborhood groups, and businesses/other properties within Burnsville.April 30th, 2023https://burnsvillemn.gov/564/Resident-GrantsHennepin CountyGood Stewards Grant- Reduce erosion and sedimentation; Improve water quality; Protect groundwater quality or reduce groundwater use; or Preserve, restore, or establish critical habitat-Local, state, or regional government agencies -Non-profit organizations -Landowners: citizens or business ownersUp to $1,000Program is closed for 2023 but applications for 2024 will be due in Novemberhttps://www.hennepin.us/business/conservation/funding-assistance-natural-resources-projectsCarver CountyCommon projects include rain gardens, shoreline restorations, native plantings, water retention and water reuse systems and more.Citizens and private businesses located within the Carver County Water ManagementOrganization’s boundariesAverage is $10,000 per project up to $25,000No deadline; first-come, first-served basishttps://www.co.carver.mn.us/departments/public-services/planning-water-management/water-management/get-involved/cost-share-program If you need any additional help or direction, our cheerful staff is ready to assist you. Happy New Year! If you aren’t sure what watershed district you live in, click here. Soil and water conservation districts are separated by county, to find more information about yours click here.